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Our School Day

School starts: 8.40am

School finishes: 3.15pm

Total hours: 32.9

We are a very busy school, and no two days look the same! We offer an exciting, engaging learning experience which includes swimming, music lessons and PE lessons, which are different for each class. To give you an idea of what a day may look like, we have put together a sample timetable for each key stage.


Key Stage 1

Key Stage 2

This will give you flavour of what a week may look like, but the best person to tell you about a 'Day at Woodston Primary School' is your child! 

Some of our children have written about their days at Woodston for you to find out more...

A Day in the Life of Lawken 

We always get a hello from our teachers as we enter the room. We then have thinking skills to start our day. Next, we either have English and maths lessons. What I like about English is that we always complete a fun activity which is linked to another lesson or our topic. After these lessons, it is my favourite time- lunch. Here you get to spend to talk to your friends, eat and play outside until 1:30pm. Then, we have a reading session or complete other foundation subjects. My favourite is D.T. as we have been learning about electricity.

A Day in the Life of Artjems

I start my day by writing in my thinking skills book or completing Times Table Rockstars. Later on, we learn English or maths. In English, we focus on great books such as our current book ‘Julius Zebra’. Furthermore, I like maths as we do different topics such as multiplication or measurement. After that, we go outside for playtime. I usually play with my friends. Then we eat a snack (such as apple, carrots, bananas, oranges or raisins). After snack, we always practise our times tables to get our brain working. We then have English or maths before lunch. My favourite lunch is on Thursday as it is pizza!

A Day in the Life of Omar

In Year 4, we start our day with a warm hello. After that, we get on with our thinking skills. Sometimes, we finish or edit our work that we were not able to finish. Next, we do SPaG. In SPaG we often learn spelling patterns (e.g. words that end in -ous or -tion). If we are lucky, we get to play a game on the iPads. In English, we write lots of different genres including formal letter. We also read our class book which our writing usually links to. Then we have breaktime and our healthy snack. Later on, we practise our times tables before maths. I love maths because we study lots of different units such as angles and measurement. Then it is lunch where we all get together and eat/ play. In the afternoon, we often have a reading session. This is where you get a text and read it with your magnificent partner. Later, we end the day with different subjects such as R.E, Science or History.

A Day in the Life of Romun 

We come in to school and Miss Hobday and Mrs Lyon always greet us before we get started on our day. We begin with a half hour session of SPaG. Our focus in SPaG changes but at the moment we are looking at spelling patterns -tion, -sion and -ssion. It is lots of fun. In our next lesson, we learn English. English is a great lesson because we get to write lots of fun things such as formal letters. A new thing that has been introduced is our Magpie me table which helps me and others too.

A Day in the Life of Darcie

In Year 4, we start off with thinking skills which often includes maths or spelling quizzes. Thinking skills gets your brain working so you’re ready for the day. In SPaG, we practise spelling or we look at word class and punctuation. After, we usually focus on English. English is my favourite lesson as we get to write about our book (currently ‘Julius Zebra’). Soon after it’ll be break and snack time which is the time you get to chat with your friends. The next piece of learning is maths. Maths can sometimes be a bit tricky but we get better each day! After, we do some times tables practice with our cards or on iPads. In the afternoon, we study lessons such as History, R.E or Spanish. History is my favourite as we have been learning about the Romans. At the end of the day, we often watch Newsround or play a game. Then it is a happy bye-bye from all my classmates and our kind and caring teachers.

A Day in the Life of Violet 

We start our day with a greeting from Miss Hobday and Mrs Lyon. Then, we complete our thinking skills activity to wake our brains up ready for the first lesson. We spend time learning our times tables and completing our maths lesson. We practise our times tables in lots of different ways such as playing on the iPads or using the card game (which is my favourite way). Then we complete my favourite lesson which is English. I enjoy writing lots of different genres such as formal letters. In the afternoon, we do lots of different subjects such as History, Geography, R.E., DT, ART, PSHE, Spanish and reading.