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Move Up Day!

Move Up Day is 'Excitement overload!'

There was a real buzz in school this morning as children arrived in their new classes. There were lots of smiles as teachers greeted children at the door, and many children told staff how excited they were for move up.

Throughout the morning, children took part in fun activities, from brainteasers to Task Master challenges. It was wonderful to see everyone enjoying their new classes and teachers, building their positive relationships ready for September.

Children always say things better, so over to them:


Inez said her new teacher was “kind and cool”.

Lettie said, “I feel relieved because I have got to know my teacher more, and my classmates.”

Megan told us, “I didn’t like that they were mixing up the classes, but then Mr Hutton came and taught us SPaG and then I found out he was teaching us. I was happy!”

Jack told us that he feels good about moving into year 6 as he will be the oldest in school and a role model.

Siobhante said, “I am really happy. I like my teacher, Miss Hobday; she is really nice and lovely. I am excited to learn new things with people I’m not used to.”

Angel said that her new class is “better than my old class because everyone is friendly!”

Harriet told us that she was feeling good about her new class as she could learn new things and make new friends.

Keeva told us her new class is “amazing!”

Philip said his new classmates are “really cool” and his teacher is “really nice”.

We think Elijah said it best when he described move up day as “Excitement overload!”

We are sure you will agree that move up day has been a great success! Your children will hopefully come home full of excitement about their new teacher, classroom and classmates. They will have a lot to tell you about their day!